Dry air is especially prevalent in winter months and can contribute to many common aches and pains, including:
- Allergies
- Dry throat and airways
- Dry skin
- Frequent coughs
- Eye irritation
- Bloody noses
- Headaches
- More colds and flu, since viruses love dry air
Humidifiers are commonly used in homes to relieve physical discomforts such as dry skin, throat, and lips. These symptoms are relieved by the humidifier releasing moisture into the dry air. Humidifiers also help illuminate common problems brought about by winter weather, which can include static electricity, peeling wallpaper, and cracks in furniture and paint. Humidifier systems are installed directly onto your central heating and cooling system. First, water is supplied to the humidifier. Then, as warm air moves across the humidifier, the water evaporates. Finally, the properly humidified air is distributed throughout your home. Which keeps the humidity level better regulated. Breathing moisturized air keeps the throat and sinus passages hydrated, which helps soothe inflamed membranes and allergies, helping to keep a
humidified home.
Do you have your thermostat set to 70 but it’s still freezing in your house all winter? The problem may
not be the heater, but the lack of humidity. A whole home humidifier can help you feel toasty warm and
you can save money by dialing back the thermostat a few degrees.